Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 2016 Update

So we are 17 days into 2016 and I thought I would take a look at how I am doing on my resolutions (see previous blog post). Well if I am going to complete 2,016 miles this year I have to step it up. I have been working out but really I have been slacking. So far I have completed 8 out of the 17 days for a total of 37.5 miles and that just won't do. Time to step it up. I might as well do it half way through January rather than half way through 2016. Time to get looking back.

The Practice of Meditation ... I have realized that there is a reason why they say "the practice of meditation" because it doesn't come easily without practice. I have not committed to doing it every day but I have been practicing and hopefully over time it will get easier. Again we are only half way through January ... I think I will need a bit more time.

Other items I listed on my 2016 resolutions have to do with reading and knitting. I have been reading, in fact I finished a book last night. Tonight I will start another! My knitting hasn't been touched in 2016 and I have plenty of projects to work on ... I still have time right?

In regards to my goals about buying a house and working on my budget and finances...I have been actively working towards the finish line. I have been actively looking for a house, met with the banks and have taken a serious look at my monthly budget. If this is a goal, I can't sit around and hope this will happen I have to work towards it!

Just a few thoughts I had as I reviewed my resolutions. What's the point of making resolutions or goals if you don't re-evaluate them or see how you are progressing. I don't want to look back in December 2016 or January 2017 and wonder why I didn't accomplish these things.

Let's keep moving...

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