Monday, June 8, 2015

One Year ...

Before - June, 2014

After - June, 2015

One year ago today I stepped on the scale in my apartment, saw a number I didn't like and decided to make a change. Since that day I have lost a total of 38 pounds. That is an average of about .73 pounds per week. In the past 365 days so much else has happened but I tried very hard to stay on course. Even though one year has passed I am not satisfied and I must keep going. I do like the fact that I have lost the weight but I must keep moving forward.

Since I am starting another year, I decided I would take a look at my post from the New Year. At the start of the new year I decided to live this year by one word and one phrase ... six months into the new year I am still facing each day reminding myself of my one word, "health" and my one phrase, "medication free". It's a long road but I am not afraid of the journey!

38 pounds this year ... how many next??

"Finally, what do I want?  I want my health!  I want to be healthy!  How will I get there? One step at a time.  Everything I do and every choice I make I will keep my "one word" and "my phrase" in mind ... will this get me what I want!" ---Maura Donovan, New Year's Post

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