Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bad choices...

Today, October 28, 2015 I went to lunch with some colleagues from work and ordered from the menu.  I decided to order a Patty Melt, didn't think much of it!  Several months ago if I had ordered this meal I would have gone back to work without even thinking about it.  Well today it was different.  Yes, I ordered the patty melt (did not think about) and after it made me sick, I did something I never did in the past, I looked up the calories.

I was in shock ... almost 1200 calories for just the sandwich.  It made me sick to my stomach again!

Bad choices today ... lessons learned for tomorrow!

Monday, October 27, 2014


I am sorry it has been weeks since my last post.  My life has become my workouts, work and school work.  I don't have a lot of time to myself.  It is right now 10:51 and I should be in bed since I have to be in the gym in the morning.  However, I have to share some updates.

The scale is still moving in the correct direction and as of today, October 27th I am now down 25.5 pounds!!  I am excited.  I wish, like so many others that it will come off faster but I will continue to take it one step at a time.  The one thing that still frustrates me is, I feel different; my clothes feel different but I recently saw some pictures of me and it doesn't look like there has been much change in my appearance.  I know in time it will show ... patience isn't my best quality.

It has been almost 2 years since my last half marathon and 9 years since my last marathon.  I have been starting to get the itch.  So a few weeks ago I registered for the Lake Effect Half Marathon in February, which happens to be my last half and the Vermont City Marathon in May.  I decided to register early and get them on my calendar so my work schedule doesn't get in the way.  I need to focus on something when completing my workouts and this will help me.  I don't want anything to get in my way.  I am in the midst of trying to heal an injury, fractured hand, but I don't think that should slow me down in the long run (no pun intended).  I haven't told too many people but now you all know so it is out there!  I haven't set any big goals with both of these races, just to cross the finish line, in the allotted time.

I am looking forward to the races but there still is a lot of time on the calendar.