Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Different Measuring Tool

About a year ago I was traveling for work. I boarded a plane and sat in my seat. I tried to buckle the seat belt but I couldn't. I was mortified. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't buckle the seat belt. I had to ask for an extension. I was so embarrassed, I had never had to ask for an extension before.  I had let myself get to this low point. I had allowed myself to gain that much weight.

I had only had to ask for an extension once but once was enough. I continued to struggle with buckling seat belts on airplanes and I could never get the tray tables down either. There was never any room.

I haven't flown since last spring and since the beginning of June I have lost 18 pounds. This past week I was traveling via plane. I was on and off airplanes all week and not once did I struggle to buckle a seat belt.  I was also able to use my tray table.

I was thrilled when this happened and I felt great. It may seem like a strange way to measure...but I saw progress!!!

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