Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Goals...The Next Five Months and Beyond

Throughout this weekend, over a period of three days, certain memories surfaced on my Facebook Page. The memories were from the 2018 USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship in Cleveland. In the Spring of 2018 I received a letter from USA Triathlon letting me know, that based on my performance in the previous triathlon season, I was invited to attend the championship. I still remember being in shock, I couldn't believe it. I thought the letter was a fake. Of course there was only one thing to do ... go to Cleveland in August. 

I loved every minute of that trip. I remember feeling intimidated and a bit out of place but I embraced the moment as much as possible. This past spring (2019) I was hoping for another letter but it never arrived. I guess I didn't make the cut this year! Well I can't dwell on the past, I have to move forward.

I shared recently with my coach and my friend Cheryl, that I have a new goal. I want to get back to the USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship. I want to receive that letter again. It may not happen in 2020 but I would use the 2020 Triathlon Season to work my A$$ off to hopefully be considered!! All I can do is Tri!!!

Over the next five months the following race schedule is how I will close out 2019. I am still working out my plans for 2020...not quite ready to reveal those goals. Need to finalize a few things and workout some kinks. Need to keep moving...some days I am afraid to stop!!

August 17- Open water swim 5K
August 18 – Cazenovia Sprint Triathlon
October 6 – Wineglass Full Marathon
October 20 – Eastwood 5 Miler
November 10 - Syracuse Half Marathon
November 28 – Turkey Trot 5K
December 14 – It’s A Wonderful Run 5 K
Happy Training and Racing Everyone!!

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