Saturday, September 12, 2015

What to do??

15 years ago this month I started training for my first triathlon. I worked so hard for that first event and the second one I did that same summer. I had a fire in me that drove me to complete that event. I will admit that some of the fire in me was fueled by people who doubted me. I was out to prove them wrong! I worked hard week after week and I enjoyed the process as I saw myself get better and stronger. Since that first summer I have completed several other triathlons as well as countless half marathons, a marathon and several open water swims.   

When I started this blog several years ago (2012) I was training for my half Ironman (70.3 miles). Which although it wasn't pretty I completed the distance. In 2013 I completed the 70.3 as a member of relay team and did a few other sprint triathlons. Since the summer of 2013 I have not completed one triathlon. I have done a few open water swims and a few runs but I haven't completed a triathlon. I do miss it.

This summer I had planned on doing two, the first was going to be in July but do to some GI track problems the morning of the race I couldn't do it. I wasn't totally disappointed because my heart wasn't in it completely. The second one I wanted to do in August but I had to back out due to a work conflict. Instead this summer I did an open water swim (5K) and have been training for a half marathon this fall.

Recently I was riding my bike, on my trainer. Yes I have put my glutius maxiumus on the saddle a few times since my last post, most recently this morning. And it occurred to me that it had been 15 years ago this month since the first time I trained for a triathlon. I thought about my desire and dedication to accomplishing that goal. I want to be that girl again! Although I am 15 years older I know I can be that girl again!

So this is what I need to decide ... do I sign up for a 70.3, set my sights on that goal and start training now? Or do I go back to basics, get my fire back, fall in love with triathlons again and focus on some sprint triathlons next summer?  I need to make a decision soon but I would love to hear your thoughts. 


  1. You have and always will be a motivator to me!! I will say that at the beginning of this year, running and tri-ing just weren't doing it for me. It became a chore and not being able to make it to runs with friends made it even less enjoyable. I needed a change. I got doing the 21 day fix with shakeology and doing the workouts, and i love it!! I've lost the weight, and am starting to feel like maybe running wouldn't be so bad again, but I haven't quite gotten there. And now instead of dragging myself out of bed to run, I am doing it to do a work out...but a workout that i've seen the changes with, and have learned to enjoy. I don't doubt I will get back out there running and tri-ing, but with the time schedule being terrible to go with someone else, it's just not fun anymore. Whatever you do, I don't doubt you will do it well. I pretty much said I needed to focus on me, losing weight and getting healthy. Running wasn't helping me and it was time for a change. I changed and I see such a huge difference and I love it!! Plus I feel great!!

  2. What about even scaling back to an Olympic-distance tri? Do they even have those around here? Or what about the YMCA tri that happens each May? It's a 400-yard swim, 15-mile ride, and 4.25-mile run. I'm no expert (having participated in exactly zero triathlons), but that sounds like somewhere between a sprint tri and an Olympic tri.
