Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What is Miso??

So I am about to tell you something about myself that some people know but I am sure a majority do not.  Some may think that this should be listed under "too much information" but I am going to share it anyway.  I have IBS, irritable bowel syndrome and it has been inflamed or out of control for the past few months.  Of course following doctor's orders I have been taking my probiotic supplement regularly but it doesn't seem to help.

I am a regular person, if you know what I mean? However lately it has been on full blast and sometimes I only have seconds to make it to the bathroom (TMI?).  Well lately I have been doing some research on line, I am sorry Cookie I admit that I have read WebMD and other sites, and what I have discovered is that my GI tract could be tied to my immune system and if my IBS is out of whack, this could explain why I am getting sick all the time.  I was sick for seven weeks between the beginning of April and the end of May.  I took a few weeks off from being sick and now I got hit with something else.  I don't feel as bad as I did during the spring but I lost my voice and I am a bit congested.

I am tired of popping the probiotic pills so I thought maybe there are some natural foods that could help me and get me regulated again.  We all know that Yogurt is a huge staple when it comes to probiotics but did you know that sauerkraut and pickles were too.  Guess who will be buying some pickles soon?  I love pickles and now I can enjoy them even more.  Sourdough bread is supposed to help along with soft cheeses such as cheddar, Parmesan and my all time favorite GOUDA.  Wegman's cheese shop here I come!!

I also read how some foods are considered prebiotics which help with the good bacteria in your gut and could help with the process.  These foods include pistachios, oatmeal, bananas, honey and maple syrup.  do I see some pancakes in my future?

And then I read about some foods I had never heard of before, Kombuda?  This is a natural soda that is also a natural probiotic and you can find it in your refrigerator section in your grocery store.  There was also Tempeh, what am I supposed to do with that?  Full of protein and a probiotic but is it really food?

And finally Miso?  This is supposedly a Japenese soup that can be eaten for breakfast?  Has anyone ever tried it?  This could be quite the adventure adding these foods into my diet!  And hopefully it will work too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hope the change in diet helps you feel better. I've never had Miso soup. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think!
