I just opened my blog for the first
time in 2 months!! My last post was October 30th...well that will change in
2020. I actually enjoy writing, you may not always like reading but I enjoy
writing so writing I will do. But I digress...this is not a post about what I
will be doing in 2020 it is a reflection on 2019.
Like most people, I am sure we can
point out the lows of this last year...the tears we shed...the stress or
frustrations but yet again that is not what this post is about. I am actually
going to miss 2019. The year I turned 49...the year I PR'd a marathon...the
year I started my research for my doctorate...THE YEAR I BECAME AN IRONMAN!!
2019 was good to me in so many
ways. The hard work...hours of training...the blood, sweat, and tears (lots of
tears) that I shed paid off and it was so worth it. This may sound selfish, and
that was not my intent, because I know I could not have done this alone. One
does not train alone...it takes family, friends, and co-workers to support and
help you along the way.
I am grateful for the support that
I had along this journey in 2019 and grateful for the continued support that I
know I will have in 2020. It is an amazing feeling knowing that so many people
have my back...I do hope they know I will always have theirs.
So 2019 I thank you for giving me
some incredible opportunities...for pushing me to do something I never thought
I could...for surrounding me with love and support. I look forward to entering
2020 grateful and excited for what you have in store for me!!
Love to all...be safe...believe!
Keep Moving Forward