Two weeks ago I finished my last "classroom" course that was on my schedule for my doctorate coursework. I had a few days off to recover and then last Monday, October 21, started the next phase of my journey. Section 610 Scholars before Research. I have officially started my research for my dissertation.
Currently I have a broad idea of what I would like to do my research on, now the fun begins as I try to narrow that down and figure out if there is enough research out there to back my ideas and come up with a problem statement.
I have to admit I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. This will be a long journey, of emotional highs and lows, and I know at times the finish line will seem so far away. I am scared about taking this on, even though I want it more than anything.
I had a call today with my faculty chair, who will be my mentor, guide, and critic throughout this whole process. It was our first call of what I am sure of will be many throughout the next 18 months. We talked about what needs to happen over the next few weeks and what it will take to finish this journey. I told him I was a bit scared and feeling overwhelmed. He chuckled and said, "well you are exactly where you should be." I guess I am not unusual.
This part of the journey will be a lot of self discipline. For the last two years I had a schedule when things were due, what needed to be read, and what I had to do. I knew pretty much every day I had an assignment to submit. When it comes to research you can go weeks before you have to submit something. Of course I have to remind myself there is a reason they give you weeks and not to wait until the last minute.
It is my goal to have this done by the date that the University predicted I would graduate, April of 2021. I have 18 months to give this my all, to show the world I am not just a student but a scholar researcher. For the next 18 months this will be Ironman training. I know the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to cross the finish line after 140.6 miles. And this will not be any easier.
It will be hard, it will take sacrifices, it will take discipline, but in the end I know it will all be worth it because this is something I have wanted for over 25 years. I look forward to having someone from Concordia University call my name as I cross this finish line. I know I will do it because I am an IRONMAN!
PS: don't worry I am not walking away from my other love...I still have full and half marathons to finish. Plus I have already scheduled a few sprint, Olympic, and half ironman triathlon distances. I still have goals to accomplish and a lot of work to do!!