Monday, May 27, 2019

Enjoying the Journey to IMLP

A few weeks ago I ran the Mountain Goat 10 miler. While on the course I started talking with this woman who also does triathlons and has completed Lake Placid Twice. We talked about the whole training process and she said, I feel bad for people who don't enjoy the journey. It made me smile that day and I have thought about that statement a lot. I can honestly say, that so far I have really enjoyed the journey. The highs, lows, and everything in between has taught me so much and I have really enjoyed it.

I am currently five weeks away from the Tupper Lake 70.3 and nine weeks away from the Ironman Lake Placid. I usually don't count the weeks because it gives me anxiety. I have been facing the training one day at a time but often, individuals will ask me how much longer, so there it is. And as I wrote that...I had a bit of anxiety and a lot of emotions.

There are days during this training that you feel like you could take on the world. And then there are days that humble you and you question if you can even do this. I often let my emotions get the best of me and I have to talk myself out of giving up. Saturday was a training day that had all those emotions wrapped into one. I had a 75 mile ride followed by a 20 minute transition run on the training schedule. My friend Meghan, who is also training for the IMLP, joined me on the ride. She is a much more powerful cyclist than I am but it was nice to know someone else was out there with me. We mapped out a course and off we went. The first 40 miles were great. I felt confident and really enjoyed myself...then the weather changed. Rain and crazy headwind took over and we had to spin and push our way through it. There were moments when climbing uphill, into the wind, I thought to myself I am not moving. During one 10 mile stretch, we were heading straight into the wind, and I think I yelled out every profanity I could think of and shed some tears. This truly can be an emotional journey. By the time we were finished, I was so happy...happy it was over but also elated that we didn't quit. Even though it was tough, I felt pretty good about myself.

Of course then I had to put on my running shoes and go out and run 20 minutes. Twenty minutes doesn't seem like a lot but when the muscles in your legs just finished biking it is hard to tell them to start running. I was wet, hot, and tired by this point but quitting gets you know where. I have to admit that I couldn't tell how fast I was running. I didn't think I was moving all that much but according to my watch I was keeping a good pace. Getting used to this feeling is important as that transition from bike to run is so critical.

Sunday was a new day with a new workout and the sun was shining. I had to ride for 20 miles and then run a 6 mile transition. I was a bit tired from the day before but I was curious to see how my body reacted. The ride went really well. I found a course that had several rolling hills. Not huge climbs but rollers one right after the other. When I was done with that I started my run. And once again I could not tell how fast I was going but according to my watch, much faster than I normally run. I forced myself to slow down and got into a rhythm. And by this point in the morning the sun was up and it was getting warm. By mile four I was hot, drenched in sweat, and tired. I actually ran by my car and seriously thought about stopping but I quickly talked my self out of that one. Instead, I gave myself permission to readjust. I stopped, walked for .25 miles, took in some fuel and refocused. Once I started up again I felt like I had a whole bunch of new energy. I ended up finishing stronger than I started and I am so happy I didn't quit. I also made a deal with myself, if I kept running I could treat myself to breakfast...and it tasted so good at the Dryden Hotel!!

So today is another day on the bike with a little run thrown in there. I had to switch around my training days a bit due to the Memorial Day Holiday (the pool is closed). Tomorrow I will be back in the pool. I have been struggling in that category a bit, which is an unusual thing for me. The pool has always been my sanctuary. I always looked forward to finding swim workouts on my training schedule. I was also that person who would sneak extra swims into my training. Lately something has changed. I know I need to suck it up cuz I will hate myself if my swim does not go well. Believe me I won't be happy.

For those of you who have followed my triathlon, on again off again, career since 2001, I have always loved the swim and was never the person in love with my bike. Well things have changed. I am actually looking forward to the bike workouts, and we all know I need them, and dreading going to the pool. In fact last Friday, I had my swim bag packed, I was dressed and ready to go. I drove to the pool and then found myself sitting in the parking lot for 10 minutes trying to convince myself to go inside. WHO IS THIS PERSON???? SNAP OUT OF IT!!!! I am facing a new week so things have got to get better. I will keep you posted...but if you are reading this I give you permission to yell at me and tell me to suck it up and jump in the pool!

A few other updates: My iron levels are maintaining, which is good. I had to have a colonoscopy recently because we are still trying to figure out my GI issues. The doctor found some polyps, which were tested and came back negative for cancer. However, I have now won the prize for being able to go back in 3 excited! The colonoscopy also did not shed any light on my stomach problems. So I have been advised to try the FODMAP elimination diet. I will follow this for three weeks and see how things go. It is a whole process of eliminating a bunch of food from all the food groups and slowly bring them back into your diet to see how your body reacts. Today is day far so good.

Other than that school and work are still keeping me busy. I had to share this picture on the know you are in training when your sink looks like this at the end of the day. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day. Let's take the time to remember, all gave some and some gave all, so we can enjoy our freedoms. THANK YOU!