Yesterday this picture popped up on my Facebook page as a memory from three years ago. I stared at this drink, a Jameson and Ginger-ale, but I couldn't figure out where it was taken or why? It bothered me all day long...what was the significance of this drink? Well in the middle of the night I figured it out!
Three years ago yesterday I was diagnosed with high blood pressure! I was thrown for a loop and I was scared to death! Less than a year earlier I had a physical done and everything was fine so this was a bit odd. I remember sitting in my office at my office at work not feeling well and my legs were swelling, so I called a friend of mine who is a chiropractor. He instructed me to stop by his office and he would check things out. I arrived at his office and his partner, who I had never met and knew nothing about me took my blood pressure. He took it four times without saying a thing to me. I told him he was scaring me and he had lousy bed side manner, which I am sure raised my blood pressure even more. At that point my friend came in took my pressure one more time and said to me I am calling you primary care doctor right now. He read off numbers I had never heard before! To make a long story short I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was put on medication. That evening I was meeting friends for dinner prior to the Mountain Goat (a 10 mile road race in Syracuse)! I arrived early, was stressed and scared and decided to have a drink! Hence this picture!
What a long strange trip it has been ... since that day in May, three years ago. I thought it was the scariest day of my life until 18 months ago when I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes! These past three years have not been the best years of my personal life. I certainly don't want to write a "whoa is me" post by any means. No one wants to read that.
For the past 8 months I have been doing a lot of soul searching, researching, talking to family and friends and I have decided to do something that will change my life dramatically! I am not quite ready to tell you everything at this time, but I promise I will. I am just waiting for things to be finalized before I make the announcement publicly. A few friends and family members know but in time I will let everyone know. I am not one of those people who puts vague statements out there in hopes that people will ask ... I am making a vague statement now because all the pieces aren't in place yet. You don't need to worry, I will share when the time is right, hopefully soon.
Here's to life ... cheers!