I am sorry it has been so long since I last posted. It has been over a month and so much has been going on. On November25th I announced in the blog that I have been diagnosed with diabetes. I was overwhelmed with this diagnosis. I was angry, scared and literally overwhelmed.
Since I posted the news my life became a bit crazy. I had to finish my first semester of grad school which was nonstop school work for about two weeks. Then I traveled a bit for work. I got ready for the Christmas holiday and tried to understand what was going on with my body medically.
During all of this I have had several doctor appointments; have been put on two different medications and have been educated on diabetes. I was put through the crash course. I have read so much, talked to friends and tried to make sense of all of it. My doctor sent me to a nurse practitioner who specializes in diabetes. I like this woman and I have learned so much from her. She has me counting carbs; focusing on my blood counts; continuing with my workouts and focusing on my weight loss. The one thing that this nurse said and my doctor agrees is that she has no doubt that I will work hard at getting my diabetes under control and the medication will disappear. From her lips to God's ears! I have set the goal for myself that next year at this time I will be off the medication!
I am still angry, scared and a bit overwhelmed but I am trying to make the best of it. It is what it is and I have to accept it, for now!
Other than that life goes on. Thanksgiving came and went and it was a great holiday. I broke the 30 pound mark and I am now down 31 pounds (We will see if that sticks after the holidays). The Christmas season then arrived and as usual the day flew by! I am still celebrating of course ... I love the lights, the music and the spirit of the season. However it is now time to look ahead. 2015 can only get better right? Oh the plans I have for 2015!!
"Tri" ing to get the fire back