A friend of mine who is an extraordinary writer once stated that if you can't think of something to write about just write. Put what ever comes into your head down on paper. Here are my random thoughts...
I am sick today. Got hit with a head cold that I was fighting for a week. I am a miserable sick person. I hate sneezing, coughing and that feeling of your ears being blocked. When I am sick it feels like my entire world is moving in slow motion. And of course I have to travel this week! Which always makes for a great time. During the winter when many of my co-workers were getting hit with the head cold I warned them not to get me sick. I survived that time period so why now? Are you getting the picture that I am a winy sick person too? The worst part about feeling like this today is the sun is out and the sky is so blue today!
I went out to my car this morning to get something and realized that today is April 6th and I still have my Christmas wreath hanging. I hadn't taken it down earlier because of the very large snow banks in front of the house. I couldn't get access to the wreath. I think I need to take it down now. There is still a snow bank but I think I can reach the wreath. I may try to take it down later.
So about three weeks ago I decided I had gone too far. My eating was out of control and my weight was way too high. I was trying to do it on my own but I couldn't I needed help. I went back to Weight Watchers on March 18th. In the past two weeks I have lost 4.4 pounds. I am feeling good and in control of my eating. One day at a time!
My workouts are going OK, not great but OK. I think that is a random thought for another day. I don't know what to say about that...
Tri Mo Tri