Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A contract with me...I am ready for a change

What do I want?
1.    To live a healthy lifestyle …spirit mind and body
2.    To lose weight
3.    I want to lose 4-5 lbs a month for 2 years … a total of 108 pounds

Why do I want it?
1.    I want to be healthier … not just a healthier body but a stronger mind and spirit!
2.    I want to be stronger on the 70.3 Course and all endurance courses
3.    I want to stop taking HBP medication
4.    I am tired of carrying the weight around
5.    I want to feel better about myself

What am I willing to do to get it?
1.    No Sugar product in the first 5 ingredients*
2.    Watch for sodium, keep it under 9%

What will happen if I don’t lose the weight?
1.    I will continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle
2.    My BP will not go down and I will be at risk for some serious health issues
3.    I will never improve on any endurance course
4.    I will feel like a failure

What are the consequences if this doesn’t happen?
1.    If I don’t lose the weight consistently over the next 24 months and after two years I haven’t lost the 100+ pounds I would like to lose my consequence that in the winter of 2016 I will not be able to ski for an entire season! And if I lose the weight (4-5 lbs) each month I can treat myself to a pedicure.  If I don't lose the weight then I am doing my nails myself ... and I hate doing my toes.  Weigh in day is tomorrow morning 12/12/13!  I am ready for a change!

